Ceibal Foundation presents the 6 th issue of the journal “+Aprendizajes. Montevideo Meeting. Perspectives on Technology in Education: Uruguay, Latin America and the World”. Its articles feature the contributions of prominent leaders and influential figures on opportunities and challenges for technology and education. It also includes views and perspectives presented at the Montevideo Meeting in July 2023, a key event on the global and regional agenda on technology and education.
This issue features an article written by the Minister of Education and Culture of Uruguay, Pablo Da Silveira, on technology in education and Uruguay’s advances in the international context, along with another by Leandro Folgar, president of Ceibal, which focuses on digital education and innovation in Uruguay. The publication also includes a perspective analysis of the 2023 GEM Report by Manos Antoninis, director of the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, and the testimonies of representatives of international institutions and experts such as Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General for Education, UNESCO; Federico Burone, Vice President of Programmes and
Partnerships at Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Jaime Saavedra, Human Development Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank; and Mercedes Mateo Díaz, Chief of Education at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); among others.
This edition also presents the case of Ceibal in detail, its evolution into an innovation hub at the service of public policies, reflections by Ceibal’s general manager, Fiorella Haim, and other representatives of the institution, as well as information on implemented projects.
Finally, this issue of the journal +Aprendizajes presents reflections and information on Ceibal Foundation in its role as a promoter of research, innovation and dissemination in the region with important networks and projects.
The journal +APRENDIZAJES has been published since 2018 and is aimed at the education community at large.
For access to the 2024 issue: +Aprendizajes. Encuentro de Montevideo. Perspectivas sobre la tecnología en la educación: Uruguay, América Latina y el Mundo
For access to back issues: here.