Education Sector Fund: Digital Inclusion
This publication systematizes the projects selected in the Education Sector Fund calls between 2018-2023.
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+Aprendizajes. Montevideo Meeting. Perspectives on Technology in Education: Uruguay, Latin America and the World
Ceibal Foundation presents the 6 th issue of the journal +Aprendizajes. Its articles feature the contributions of prominent eaders and influential figures on opportunities and challenges for technology and education. It also includes views and perspectives presented at the Montevideo Meeting in July 2023, a key event on the global and regional agenda on technology and education.
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Innovative Experiences 2022
This publication presents the systematization carried out of the experiences awarded in the second edition of the NODO Award, a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) and Ceibal. The publication contains a detailed description of the three award-winning experiences in 2022 with the aim of disseminating them and being a source of inspiration for the entire educational community of Uruguay.
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Special Edition: 15 years of Ceibal. Building a resilient education system
The 5th number of the magazine +Aprendizajes collects through its articles the work of reflection and dissemination on how to build resilient education systems carried out by the Ceibal Foundation of Uruguay during 2021 and 2022. In addition, it also focuses on Ceibal's 15 years of existence, a landmark that is in itself an example of resilience.
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Innovative Experiences 2021
This publication presents a detailed description of each of the experiences awarded in the first edition of the NODO Award, a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) and Ceibal. This award celebrates pedagogical innovation, highlights the improvement in learning and its protagonists by sharing their experiences. To access the Spanish version click here.
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Report on the event Technology and Education in Latin America: Regional Consultation on the 2023 GEM Report
This document presents a report of the event Technology and Education in Latin America: Regional Consultation on the GEM Report 2023. The high-level activity, organized by the Ceibal Foundation, Uruguay, in collaboration with UNESCO's Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report), took place virtually on March 29, 2022, with the participation of four ministers and one vice-minister of education, and other stakeholders from the region's education community.
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Digital education in Latin America: Challenges and tools for vulnerable students
This document seeks to put into context the challenges faced by students -particularly girls and adolescents exposed to situations of vulnerability- in adapting to the new modalities that have facilitated educational continuity in times of COVID-19. It also seeks to offer practical solutions.
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Education and technology:The challenge of sustainability in Latin America
The document proposes to strengthen the debate on how technology can promote inclusive, equitable, quality and sustainable education in Latin America. It brings together the vision of public policy makers, interviews with representatives of international development agencies and non-governmental organizations with impact in the region, as well as experiences of good practices. To access the Spanish version click here.
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Gender and Covid in digital education and STEM: Resources to address the gender gap in Latin America
The publication raises hypotheses in response to whether the crisis caused by COVID-19 contributed to the closing of gaps or, on the contrary, increased them. It presents an analysis of the approach of the interventions developed in Latin America to identify whether they were adopted from a gender perspective or whether they contributed to the closing of gaps.
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Plan Ceibal: Education innovation challenges in Uruguay
This publication systematizes the projects and activities that the Ceibal Plan has implemented to guarantee continuity in learning in 2020. It analyzes from different perspectives the transformation of the Ceibal Plan into a new scenario and shows how -in coordination with ANEP- the Ceibal at home contingency plan was implemented. To access the Spanish version click here.The publication has an interactive format that includes different types of audiovisual materials. Access the interactive publication here.
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Uruguay: Ceibal en Casa (Ceibal at home)
The OECD, the World Bank, Harvard University and the Finnish organization HundrEd published an article by the Ceibal Foundation, which provides a systematized analysis of "Ceibal en casa", Uruguay's pedagogical continuity plan during the closure of schools as a result of COVID-19.
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Mexico: Aprende en Casa (Learning at home)
The OECD, the World Bank, Harvard University and the Finnish organization HundrEd published an article by Fundación Ceibal in the framework of the Continuity Stories initiative, which provides a systematized analysis of the "Aprende en casa" program, Mexico's pedagogical continuity plan during the closure of schools in the wake of the HIV/AIDS-19 pandemic.