The participating countries in ICILS 2018 are: Canadá (Alberta), Chile, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Kazajistán, Corea, Luxemburgo, Portugal, Rusia, Estados Unidos and Uruguay. For Uruguay is the first participation.
The test will de apply in second level of Secondary education both in public and private schools (CES, UTU and FPB modality project’s):
National sample characteristics
In Uruguay the pilot test was implemented during January in 32 educational centres, for 754 students and 236 teachers.
The sample was distributed evenly considering a half were woman and the other half were men 50% (377 students in both cases).
Students were distributed by age, as shown in the following graph, participated 53% of students aged 13, 25% of 14, and 10% of students aged 15 years. 11% of the total had over 15 at the time of the evaluation.
The definitive evaluation will be implemented during 2018, and will imply a total of 170 educative centres, with a population of 3.400 students and 2.550 teachers.
The instruments
The study includes five instruments:
1) Students activity of two modules (30 minutes each one).
2) Students questionnaire of one module (20 minutes)
3) Teachers questionnaire, self-administered (30 minutos).
4) ICT cordinator questionnaire, self-administered (20 minutes)
5) School principal questionnaire self-administered (20 minutes).
The main study will start in September 2018.