The Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación y Fundación Ceibal announce the final results of the call for proposals “Digital inclusion: Education with new horizons”.
The call for proposal focused on relevant research projects aligned with one or more of the Foundation’s research lines. The selected proposals provide relevant inputs in the fields of education, technology and innovation. Likewise, they are expected to generate an impact in different levels of the education sector.
In this call for proposals, the presentation was carried out in two stages:
Stage 1: Idea for a Research Project
Stage 2: Research Project.
The presentation period for proposal ideas remained open from May 3rd through June 29th, 2017.
A total of 38 proposals were submitted, this represents a demand of a total of $83.113.584 (expressed in local currency) for financing and a total of $48.456.391 for co-financing.
Below we present some relevant data about the applications:
Table 1. Proposal Ideas by Sex
Table 2. Proposals by institutions
Table 3. Proposals ideas according to the origin of the institutions
The Agenda Committee (AC) integrated by Dr. Cristóbal Cobo, Dr. Antonio Battro, Eng. Fernando Brum, Dr. Adriana Aristimuño and Dr. Andrés Peri made the evaluation of the project ideas. 20 proposals were prioritized according to the following aspects:
After this stage, the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee (EMC) proceeded to carry out the technical evaluation of each of the complete projects. To this end, the EMC selected two external evaluators (national and foreign) for each project.
During the process, 35 evaluators participated in a total of 40 evaluations through the ANII online evaluation system.
Taking as input both the external evaluations and the applicant’s discharges, the EMC produced an academic opinion for each one of the projects. The final product of the EMC was an ordered ranking of all projects. Based upon this ranking the AC made the final selection of the 5 projects to be financed.
The following table shows the selected projects and the amount financed in each case:
Table 4. Funded proposals
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