Ceibal Foundation, in coordination with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and with the support of the Korean Fund for Poverty Reduction (KPR), has implemented since 2016 the project “Implementation of an Analysis Monitoring System of Learning and Virtual Tutorials for English Learning “.
In an educational context that presents deficiencies and difficulties in the development of learning at the national level, the project seeks to generate inputs for the educational plans and actions developed by Plan Ceibal, through the systematization of the multiple sources of information generated by the Plan for the improvement of student learning opportunities.
I) Implement a monitoring system in the analysis of learning to integrate and analyze the large-scale information that already exists in the different databases.
II) Expand opportunities for learning experiences.
1. Implementation of a development system in Learning Analytics in order to understand, interpret and adapt teaching and learning strategies and practices that promote good school performance, progression, motivation and conclusion of the educational cycles of students.
2. Virtual tutorials of English in EM with the IntegraTE model. It includes the implementation of differentiated tutoring to attend the different levels of knowledge with which students reach the first year of Middle School.
During the implementation of the project, different academic activities have been developed internationally. The participation in congresses and the publication of articles on learning analytics have made it possible to disseminate the progress made from the project, and generate new alliances with top-level institutions.